Clwydian Ecology photo of bee
Clwydian Ecology title

Bat Surveys

We carry out bat surveys for development projects in Wales, the North-West and other areas as required. We will survey any building, tree, woodland or site for bats or bat presence. Bat surveys range from simple presence / absence studies to complex European Protected Species licence applications with Method Statement and Mitigation Proposals.

David Bennett retains a Natural England and CCW bat licence for most counties. A variety of technical equipment including state-of-the-art frequency division bat detectors with computer analysis software (Batscan) helps to identify bat species.

Previous bat survey work has included the restoration of two mansion houses (both Listed buildings), barn conversions, house surveys, demolition of houses and factory units, wind farm proposals and road schemes.
We keep up-to-date with the changing legislative framework regarding bats and other protected species. Amendments to the Habitats Regulations in 2007 have caused considerable change to the licensing requirements.

Dwelling houses are no longer exempt from the need for a licence, while the threshold of disturbance to bats that requires a licence has been raised.

Please phone or email for a competitive quote and some professional advice and help or just informal advice.

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Clwydian Ecology
Rhes y Cae
North Wales

Telephone: 01352 780787
Mobile: 07891 802653

Click here to enquire now:


Clwydian Ecology photo of yellow flowers in field